1. Starting late in the blogosphere

A view of Kyoto from the hillside dojo of my sensei.
A view of Kyoto from the hillside dojo of my sensei.

Okay, so here’s my first blog about my musings on classical budo. I arrived late to the blogosphere because, frankly, I didn’t think much about it. I mean, how much ego tripping can even I endure writing about myself, probably mainly for myself?

Then again, after seeing the movie “Julie & Julia,” I thought, well, OK, blogging does assume you have a fan or readership base (even if it’s yourself), and it does assume a certain amount of self-gratification, but what the heck. I did a magazine (the late, lamented “Furyu”) once, so why not try this out. Only this time, I won’t be putting any money into it, won’t be losing money, and as such, I’ll simply focus on my own classical budo experiences and thoughts.

It will be a more internalized series of musings, perhaps rambling, perhaps idle, maybe possible profound (if only to my dog), but without limitations as to esotericness or general readership comprehension. You want general basic martial arts chop sockey, go read “Black Belt.” This blog is basically my own ramblings, to set in words some of my loosely flowing thoughts.

Umm…Hmmm. So let’s see how this bloggy thing works!!! Off we go!

25 thoughts on “1. Starting late in the blogosphere

  1. Mr. Muromoto, I very much enjoyed reading Furyu way back when. I’m glad to see that you’ll be writing some more and I look forward to reading your postings.

    1. Andy, thanks. I’m really new to blogging and I don’t even know if it will work out or not. Still figuring how this blogging site works, so bear with me, please.

  2. This is actually an email from Richard Burkland. With his permission, I am reprinting it:


    There may indeed be a “solipsistic” tone to it (which is not to say selfish), but it is in fact a reaching out to others through the vehicle of personal experience…and by more deeply reflecting upon and examining oneself/ones own thoughts and experiences one may better understand them and oneself…(the value of this is inestimable: as Christopher Titus has observed, his vocation of sharing his experiences and feelings allows him a mental and spiritual cleansing that has saved him and which he thinks might have saved others (such as his mother) had it been available to her. In saying this I am thinking of others whom we have known who probably needed this outlet, but lacking it chose more self destructive methods)…and ultimately this is the highest purpose of teaching; informing, enriching, and enobling others.


  3. Loved your first post Wayne. It sent me back to the reasons why I started doing budo.

    Nice one mate.


    1. Thanks Steve. As I get a handle on this blogging thing, I think I like it better than the magazine. No bills to pay. And there’s a lot more interaction and participation with the readers!

  4. Wayne, It’s good to see you writing again. I’ll be checking in here to see what you’ve got to say. I understand about the investment problems. I hope you’re doing well. My sensei told me many years ago to do my best every day to do the best practice I can and pass it on. I’m still doing that, and I’m glad to see you doing the same.

    Best regards,
    Chuck Clark

    1. Thanks, Chuck. My hope is that we get a lot of dialogues (rather than monologues) going in this format!

  5. Super posting, Wayne-san. It sounds identical to my first budo motivations, experiences and feelings (minus the encounter with “Gurlzilla”) almost 40 years ago. Thanks,
    Your friend Rich

      1. Well, I appreciate your explorations of the beginnings of the dynamics of male/female relationships in your life and I feel your pain in the present tense…”cherchez le roux femme”…she left a hole in my soul so deep that it still burns when the wind blows through.

  6. I love this first post, as I came to martial arts in college, as another non-athelete who discovered the joy in moving & using his body in MA, without the attendant angst of team competition. My favorite early dojo was in a boiler room and old boxing gym space under the pools at college. There were plexiglass windows looking into the beautiful cool water of the pool that we stared at longingly while sweating out what seemed like gallons.

    Glad to see you writing here, as I enjoyed Furyu and lamented its passing. Although you may not remember it, you were very helpful in rerouting my subscription a couple of times as I travelled in Africa. Good to see that the blog-o-sphere has provided another home for your voice.

    Thanks for sharing with us,

    1. Keith, thanks for sharing. And I’m really glad that you survived Africa and enjoy the writing. Please do feel free to contribute as the mood strikes you! This seems to be much more interactive a venue than a printed publication and I enjoy the give and take!

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